
Archive for June, 2013

It’s occurred to me today that being at home when the small ones are at school is enough to send the sanest of people a little bit mad.

Ok, ok, the fact I could ever be declared completely sane and normal is a debatable point.

You know that film, Shirley Valentine, where the lead character, Shirley, has her walls to talk to every day?

“Hello, walls!”

There comes a certain point when you start to sympathise with her and know exactly where’s she coming from.

Things you might catch yourself doing when no-one else is around:

– putting some silly music on while you’re doing the housework and doing the dance moves to them.

– Reading your magazine upside down a’la Luna Lovegood in the Harry Potter series.

– talking out loud to yourself (it’s only when you start to answer yourself back or have an argument with yourself you need to start worrying. Apparently.)

Or doing things that make you question your sanity such as having a cup of tea and forgetting to take the teabag out, then wondering why it tastes so strong.

Only realising why when you get to the bottom and find the offending teabag, Doh.

Or looking everywhere for a loaf of bread you’ve just bought, and finding it the next day under the sink with the dishwasher tablets and the washing powder. Ermmmm..Suddenly that wall talking thing is starting to look a lot saner than I thought back when I first watched it…

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castle howard front

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He’s doing well, is little old Ted.

He might be getting on years (he’s about 11 years old now!) but every so often he needs a good wash. Being a little white teddy bear doesn’t help. He’s a little grub monster, is that Ted.

So today has seen me pinning him to the washing line by his ears (ssssh, don’t tell the small people!)


In the ‘bath’ – (well, the sink makes a perfect Ted sized bath!)

teddy in bath


I’d never dare put him in the washing machine. The trauma would be too much to bear if he came out all bobbly with his stuffing battered about.

So instead, off he goes in the sink for a bath. Fill with warm water and some non biological washing powder, and leave him to have a soak. Give him a rubber duck to play with if you’re feeling particularly bonkers.

Then, a wash with a soft sponge.

When he’s looking decidedly cleaner and fresher, gently squeeze out excess water and pin him by his lugholes to the washing line. (Aw, poor Ted.) Wait until they’re out of the house at nursery or school or whatever first, or you might hear a shout of “What are you doing to Ted?!”

teddy drying


Don’t worry, he’s enjoying being out and about and getting some sunshine on himself. He told me. 🙂

If you suffer from house dust allergies, or want to be doubly sure he’s sparkly, after he’s all clean and dry pop him in a freezer bag and stick him in the freezer for a couple of hours.

No, I haven’t cracked up. It apparently kills of all the dust mites.

So there you go. A fresh as a daisy Ted. All clean and fresh and they’ll be none the wiser to his little outing today!


Disclaimer: no soft toys were hurt in the making of this blog post.



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saltburn by the sea

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