
Posts Tagged ‘athletics’

As the Olympics is in full swing and Team GB are currently doing us proud (go, Team GB!) it brings a stark contrast to how competitive sport is now almost obsolete in various schools across the country.

When I was at school, it was a case of there being 1st, 2nd and 3rd places as we all raced for ourselves.

Nowadays, and as was the case at the small ones school this year, there is no such thing as competitive sports.

Children don’t race for themselves. Instead they race in teams and collect team points. So, no medals, and in effect, nobody ‘wins.’

If you do, it’s not a personal achievement – it’s for the team.

Now, teamwork is all well and good, and also an important life lesson.

Should it apply to sport though?!

If children have never had the opportunity to win or lose, then how are they going to cope with life if they are beaten to the post as grown ups? It’s just as an important lesson to learn than working well in a team.

The athletes at the Olympics are getting the chance to run, do their best and win a gold medal if they really shine.

What would happen if the non competitive school rules were in place for the Olympics? There’d be no gold medals for starters.

It’d be a case of everybody getting a shiny medal, regardless of if they came first/last/ fell asleep half way round – and  all the same colour so nobody felt left out.

Give the children a chance to be recognised for their achievements again.

After all, we let the athletes…..

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